Yep guys, i brought in some advertising now. Most of ya are prob'ly wondering why the hell i decided to advertise Napster...Well, let me explain so ya don't wonder anymore! :P
The reason i brought Napster on board was for the simple fact that they are about music. Most of you in the U.S. now know that Napster offers DRM free MP3's when you're a member. They phased out the DRM wma files earlier in the year. Yes, i know that us in other countries are still waiting for that day to come - but, Napster has gone on record to say that other markets will get the DRM free tracks sometime in 2009, or, a little before :)
So, yea - DRM-free is the way to go, and, i really do wish other stores (Such as iTunes), would get on the boat and follow suit. You'd think iTunes would've been the first to go about and do that - i guess they kinda were with the iTunes Plus...but, wowwww....that didn't even come close to what i thought it woulda been. I mean, come on Steve! You guys are SUPPOSED to be leaders.
But, if you guys aren't up for the whole napster thing - check out Amazon! They have independent music as well as TONS of Canadian Talent! And, there's gonna be more to come! Think CD Baby - the BEST place for independent CD's - as well as more! So, stay tuned!