I bet most of you were begining to wonder when i was gonna start posting about Canadian TV shows. The time has officially come! These are some shows from Canada that will be airing! I cannot guarantee that the shows will "Cross borders" - but, sometimes they do! For example, the first show "Testees" - showing on FX in the U.S.A and ShowCase up here in Canada.
If you do happen to live outside of Canada - and, 1 of the shows i do feature is showing where you are - PLEASE LET ME KNOW so i can fix the list :)
You can send me info about Channel names, Show times and the "Schedule" of the show by emailing me: DJTOXIC [AT] shaw [DOT] ca thanks guys, and, i will do my best at keeping ya up to date about all the shows featured - ANYTIME! Testees:
A new series from the strange mind of Kenny Hotz (Kenny Vs. Spenny) has 2 real-life guinea pigs - Canadian Newcomer, Steve Markle and Jess Kassel - earning their living as test subjects for a "less-than-acceptable" product testing facility. Each week, the "Testees" get an experimental product - or, medication - to try out with off-the-wall, and mostly negative results. Perhaps the best thing that can be said is that animals are not involved.
The Guard:
Back for a second season, this original Canadian production follows the Port Hallet coast guard as they rescue folks in danger on the seas, and try to keep their personal lives in order. The premiere episode sees Miro (Steve Bacic) breaking the rules when he tracks a battered trawler in order to rescue it's passengers, who are victims of a human trafficking operation. Joining the crew this season are Sonya Salomaa (Durham County) and Roger Cross (24)
Showing on:
Global TV (Canada) - Wednesdays
If for some reason you are outside of Canada, and can't watch the guard - you can actually go to the official Global TV site (http://www.globaltv.com/globaltv/globalshows/theguard/video.html) and watch it there! If ya can't view the site - try torrents! There are a few good sites out there you can use to find it, along with many other Canadian shows that still haven't crossed the borders!