Hey guys! It's Sunday - and, it's a slow news day. What better time to update the happenings of the podcast this week.
Due to my being sick, there's not gonna be a podcast this weekend. Well, i actually have an itch to make one anyways, because there's a TON of new music that's been added! Let's make a little run through on what's been added
- UltraViolet Sound
- Celldweller
- Blue Stahli
- Candy Coated Chaos
- The Speaks
- The Hidden Cameras
- Jonathan Clay
- Katie Melua
- The Stills
Also - this is gonna be unheard of, as most radio companies don't do this. I will be linking to some of the best podcasts i listen to! Why? Well, podcasts don't really compete with each other. We all listen to podcasts, and tons of 'em. We don't just listen to 1 or the other. So, expect some links to podcasts (Only the best guys) soon! These will include some that have been behind me since i started in 2006. Some will be Canadian - others won't. But, if ya listen to a podcast i don't, let me know! Feel free to comment on some that ya think i missed, and, i'll check 'em all out!
Also - i know that i do actually have a TON of listeners and subscribers in Medicine Hat. More than i actually thought i did. Helps to since i'm now getting into promoting more local talent! So, as of today, i will now be posting info for concert happenings goin' on in this city. This will include everything i think is cool - from the Doghouse to Jax - even to the Esplanade! So, expect to see a lot more local news and dates added! :)
I think that's actually all for now! I can't think of anything else to add right now!
Oh, wait - yes i can! I'll finish up with this!
A Big thank you to all the listeners and subscribers to Toxic TuneZ! I got a big surprise when 6 more people subscribed yesterday! All with the subscribe feature newly implemented in the new design! Keep it up guys! You guys are the reasons why i still do the podcast - other than the fact that i love doing it (Even when i have no microphone...yet :)
The fans - the bands and the artists - all deserve the credit! If it wasn't for the bands, the podcast wouldn't exist. If it wasn't for the subscribers and listeners...the music wouldn't get heard! None of you are forgotten.