t.A.T.u. Is back with their highly anticipated new CD, "Happy Smiles" - Which has been released, and can be found in stores everywhere - on and offline. You can pick it up from Amazon if ya can't find it anywhere...and, you can do so by clicking Here
I got my hands on a copy of it today...and, this is my review of it! This mark's t.A.T.u's first english AND Russian language CD. It's a nice mix! It's new and different in all the aspects, and is a nice kind of 'throwback' to 200 KM/h in the wrong lane. It's got a nice edge of electonic and pop in there - and, at times, i thought i was listening to Rammstein.
A few of the songs on the album remind me of some of the songs on 200 KM/h. "Chelovechki" reminds me of "All the things she said" mixed in with "Not gonna get us", While "Running Blind" seems to remind me of a couple of songs from Dangerous And Moving.
Overall though - there's not much new that t.A.T.u. can do - but, they do push the boundaries for themselves, showing not only have they mastered the English side of things, but, how they do it in Russia as well.
This was a risk for t.A.T.u. in my opinion - because, certain people could care less about the russian language - let alone any foreing language other than...English. But, for me...the russian language is one of the "Sexiest" - other than french beating it. Nonetheless - the album has all the aspects you've come to expect from t.A.T.u. The electronic fussion between pop and rock - and, some really edgy tracks! Not just all the "Love" crap...which is good. Not to say that it's not there though.
After 3 years of not seeing nothing from them - they're back, and better than ever! The only thing i hated about this CD was 1 "song" - and, that's only because it was an instrumental - and, that's way down in the tracklist at #8.
If i wrote about the "Highlights" of this album - it could honestly go on and on...and, i know you won't wanna read all that. The downsides of the album are few and far between...i do think they coulda pushed their single "White Robe" up on the tracklisting a little further, rather than it being the very last song on the CD. However, i do understand that there's a "Feel" to this album, and you don't wanna screw it up. The instrumental tracks (The intro and #8) - were good...not mind blowing...but, good. It was nice to see that a band could actually get away with opening a CD with an Intro track.
The feel for this album is nicely laid out as well. The tracks are in perfect order, and has an awesome feel to it. People might be tempted to get this CD and put it on "Shuffle" mode to listen to it - DON'T DO IT! lol. I can never understand how people can do that to 1 CD...even if it's new or not. It screws up the feel for the album, people! There's a reason why bands and producers put them in the order they show up! Ya screw with that, ya lose the feeling!

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