Toxic's BACK! I just created my 2nd blog in...45 minutes. Can ya say....addicting? lol.
If you haven't guessed it by now, this is the NEW HOME of Toxic TuneZ. And, to prove how serious i am about moving back to the EFx scheme of things, all my posts from blogger will be moved over here soon as i get some sleep! I've been going since...well, i'm not gonna say...but, i've been up for what seems to be forever. So, let's introduce ya to the Podcast...and, myself!
My Name is Chris - or, DJ Toxic...better yet, just drop the DJ, and call me Toxic - or Tox. Your call. I do a personal blog on here as well, which will be linked as soon as i get the new layout up...and, import all my blog entries from blogger. Again, happening tonight sometime.
If ya haven't heard the podcast yet....i dunno how to describe it for ya! But, it's a nice blend of Rock, Pop and Hip-Hop from the Independent well as the Canadian music scene. I promote a lot of artists and labels on the podcast - ranging from the Goth/Industrial side of things with Metropolis, the indie rock and Pop with Hardwood, ROCKStar Music, Killbeat Music and Universal Media Group Canada. You'll hear just about everything from The Birthday Massacre to Elise Estrada. Hayden to East Villiage Opera Company. And, Nickelback to Three days Grace. It's a multi-genre podcast for a multi-genre world!
New episodes are unleashed every Saturday...sometimes before that. Sometimes After that. But....with more than 100+ episodes under my belt (Even though the new feed only shows 17)...and, with more than 2000 listeners and subscribers worldwide - in 2 years - i'm Here to STAY!
The next episode is scheduled to be released tonight. Judging by the time right now - that will happen....just not sure when oO.
There's a LOT more to do before the new episode tonight - and, how to tune in and listen will be posted soon!
If you want more info...for now, go check out the "OLD" home of Toxic TuneZ @ Blogger:
And stay tuned tonight for the entire new re-launch of the site and everything else!