It's OFFICIAL!!!! I'm now back up and running 100%!!!! Let me make ya guys aware of some certain changes in my life that...doesn't really affect much. Unless you're a band, and you're sending me (Or in the process of sending me) promo packages!
I guess the BIGGEST change for me is that.....i'm out on my own now! Yes, it feels kind of weird to be on my own - not answering to anybody or anything....other than my Cats LOL. It does feel freaking good though, as some of you know the drama that i went through for almost 2 years. There's only so much one person can take before they cut the cord. And, finding this house was kind of like a Godsend...even though i'm Agnostic :)
Secondly - the podcast will be in full swing again in 2011! I do hope to make it a little more professional, so my arrival date is yet to be confirmed. Most likely, will be the first week of February! Just because i need a new freakin' headset, and i'm not cheaping out...even though i don't really have the money....i found a set, and hope to set aside some money for it when i get paid in January.
Lastly - I'm as broke as a MoFo LMAO - so, to say the podcast is on a "tight budget" is putting it lightly lol. Though, for the past 5 years - i have worked at making this free. Everything from the hosting of the blog, right down to the hosting of the audio files and Podcast done for free. I do have plans on expanding the podcast in the near future, but, as it stands right now...on a budget of $994 a month....does not go far when I now have to worry about rent (Which i pay $52 extra what they give me), Utilities, and of course, the internet/phone/TV through Telus. Not to mention a food budget.
I've never really had to worry much about things, other than paying Telus and my food. Now...i have to be on a freakin' budget! it kinda blows! lol.
In January, i WILL BE looking into getting my damn grade 12. Because, ya can't get anywhere these days without it. And, then from there...i do hope to pick up a i can get off the damn system, and back into a work atmosphere. I've already overcome 1 hurdle....just...2 or 3 more to go to really jack up my spirits!
I do wanna take this time to thank ALL OF MY LISTENERS AND SUBSCRIBERS not to mention the BANDS AND ARTISTS and LABELS that are still with me, supporting me through everything that i've done up to this point! I do hope that you'll bare with me through the new year - and, hope that the podcast remains #1 for Canadian and independent music throughout the duration of it's life (Which seriously, i'm NOT gonna be ending anytime soon :)
I will be updating the contact information on the "Submit a band" page - because, certain things have changed (Like, the email address used to contact me.) Not to mention my address that you can send stuff to....which, shouldn't be on that page anyways, and that's how it'll stay. I'll let the artists and labels know personally through email on how to send promo stuff to me directly!
So, thanks again guys! And, trust me...2011 is gonna be a BIG HUGE YEAR for Toxic! :D
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So, i tried to create a 24/7 radio stream. But, due to confusions - and, me not working with that crap for well over 6 years now....i gave up! lol.
Not really a lot to talk about right now. I'm still recovering from the dentist. I'm on my last day of Amoxil - thank God! And, also recovering from a hangover. Trust me, it was worse yesterday, and the coffee wasn't helping!
I can't remember if i let ya guys know when the podcast will be back. Why can't I remember that? lol. Well, if i didn't - or, i did, i have decided that October 1 will be the Official comeback. I feel that's a better date, as i will have my bigger hard-drive, as i couldn't afford it this month. And, i'll also have everything back and working!
Not just that, but some new releases are in the works - and, if i come back near the end of September, we'll miss one week of new releases!
So, October 1 will be the comeback - and, i'll have a ton of new music - from Combichrist, The Birthday Massacre....and, a ton more punk that i was able to get back last week! :D
With all that said....i dunno what else to say. iTunes 10 launched yesterday with their social music thing called Ping! It's supposed to be a "MySpace Killer" - but, i played with it lastnight....and, not nearly enough of my friends are using it. And, the features that Apple want to associate with it - won't be put in until a later date. So, that being said....there are just a few artists right now (Like Lady GaGa, U2 and Linkin Park) that I've noticed using it.
Until all artists are using it, and it's fully customizable - i don't sense many people will be jumping on the Ping bandwagon.
Let's hope it's soon though! And, i would really love it if Podcasters were able to use the service too - and, if they do give podcasters something to toy with in there, i wonder what they'd include...and, if it would be worth it. Seriously....that could also be a twitter killer! :D lol
Ah shit, he's STILL alive...%#$%!!!
Posted by ToxicDoom | Wednesday, August 25, 2010 | Announcements, Elise Estrada, Emmalyn Estrada, News, Pins And Needles, Radio Stream, Soul Saliva, the birthday massacre, The LoveCrave
So much to talk about, so little time! I've gotta get to bed early, cause i'm literally littered in appointments tomorrow. Well....1 doesn't classify as "littered", i suppose lol. I also have to do a walk-in with either my family doctor - or, the clinic tomorrow. It's just, this past 2 weeks, i've been hit - and, i've been hit hard.
Ya know that old saying "Things happen in 3's"? Well....Get this!
First - about 2 weeks ago....there was some kinda weird ass flu bug going around this city. Personally, i think somebody went on a cruise, forgot to wipe...and, then got off the boat and welcomed everyone. And, i wasn't the only one in this house to get it. That weekend, dad came home from his "weekend trip" (lol....that's subtle enough, isn't it?) - and, he came home to Kelly and I sick...and, he picked something up too!
I guess the good thing here would be....that we were all sick at the same bloody time.
I'm Just now done with it - all that's left is a little bit of sinus crap...and, some ooey-gooey phlegm that's like....thicker than owl snot hahaha.
That's phase 1. The 2nd thing to happen to me.....Tooth rot!!! Always a joy to have! And, ya know....i used to swear by Sensodyne....not anymore! In fact, i think it actually makes cavities. It doesn't help that for almost 2 years, i drank every day. Yea, i don't make it publicly known all the time that in 2006 through to early 2008, i went down a deep, dark road. I won't go into all the boring details. Cause, that's not what this podcast is about!
But - yea, i have a dentist appointment tomorrow....and, instead of getting the needle in the gum....i'm gonna ask for anesthesia. Hopefully, with the meds i'm on - they can do it. Cause, i don't need to be swollen for 2 hours, trying to talk to another doctor.
That's part 2. Get ready for the 3rd thing....the Tri-Fecta if you will :D
Woke up yesterday - and, i had a zit...or another freakin' cyst under my right arm - underneath the armpit. Not only that - but, i also woke up with one on my neck. Not as big...but, still hurts, and is giving me a little bit of a headache. sleep....don't even ask! This is getting ridiculous!
I either have the worst fucking luck.....or, God's getting ready to strike me down lol.
Let's get into the GOOD NEWS! cause, ironically, there is some. I just got back from another hard-drive failure. I lost track at how many times this is now. Mind ya, this was my doing this time...because i thought i could do the podcast in the comfort of Ubuntu. And, as much as i wanted to....the LTS just isn't quite all there yet. Problem after problem with repositories, certain software not working...the whole 9 yards.
So, when i came back into the Windows 7 world - i had a flash of genius. And, i pose this as a question to all of you.
How would you guys like to see a live, 24/7 Radio stream? As well as the podcast - but, included LIVE in the radio show, and archived into the feed?
I found a free stream host - and, they look really promising. If i get positive feedback, i will run with the idea, and test it out in the coming weeks with SAM3 and the ShoutCast streamer :D
On other news!
New music is coming in 3 weeks! From The Birthday Massacre with Pins and Needles. Also, The LoveCrave with Soul Saliva. The LoveCrave is awesome if ya love TBM or Lacuna Coil. They're an Italian female-fronted Gothic/Metal band - and, they have produced 2 albums with this new one. And, on the new CD, they cover Michael Jackson's "Thriller" ....omg! I have never heard it sound better than from the King of Pop himself - but, it's heavier and amazing!
Also, Elise Estrada has a new single out right now called "You're So Hollywood" which unfortunately, i don't have at this time. I haven't even heard the makes me cry! :(
Not to leave the other Estrada out - Emmalyn released a song called "Get Down" Which i was able to get my hands on.
For those of you who don't know, Emmalyn is the younger sister of Elise. And, they both are really talented...and, they're gonna match each other lyrically, vocally, and talent wise! They're both extremely talented (Not to mention just mind numbingly Gorgeous!) And, if i have to predict....Emmalyn will be releasing her CD along with Elise's Sophomore release!
When i know more, you'll know more!
Also, before i go - Toxic TuneZ Will be back the 3rd week of September! It's been a hectic summer here for me - minus the concert scene. Just haven't had the time, or the money....and, if i do have the money, i'm either sick - or recovering from computer failure's!
I Soooo need to get my Mac Pro!!!
Preview New Music From The Birthday Massacre Today!
Posted by ToxicDoom | Wednesday, July 14, 2010 | Announcements, new album, Pins And Needles, the birthday massacre
A Special Message directly from the band:
Today is the day! 2pm. Posting 3 song clips:
1 on our Myspace page, 1 on our Facebook page and one on our VampireFreaks page.
Every Wednesday after that, we will post a new song clip for you to check out ... a "thank you" for being fans. ...every Wednesday until about 6 songs or so are up in total. Please spread the word...everywhere you can!!
Episode 205: insert witty title here (NOW LIVE)
Posted by ToxicDoom | Sunday, July 11, 2010 | Episodes, Methods of Mayhem, Nickelback, Podcast, Stone Sour, Victory RecordsI don't really have a description for today's episode. It should've been up...earlier than this, but it wasn't so, what are ya gonna do? The new music that i promised was to air after the Canada Day special...have been added to this weeks episode!
Methods Of Mayhem's 'Fight Song' and Stone Sour's new song from their upcoming CD, 'Audio Secrecy'
Included is some random news from nickelback and victory records.
Also - more details about the Maple Creek flood relief concert have been confirmed. Details are here, and on the site!
I was in a bad mood, so, this was actually recorded in real time. I listened to the music after doing my recording...just so i could stop the bad mood from transfering over. So, hopefully i did that, and blended the music good!
Ya know what to do if ya have any questions or comments!
Hit the Listen Now Button to tune in!
Maple Creek Flood Relief Benefit: Concert held in Medicine Hat!
Posted by ToxicDoom | Friday, July 09, 2010 | Absent Minds, Announcements, Calgary, concert, Concerts, Deffine, Edmonton, Essence MC, Facebook, Kesh, Lethal Combo, Maple Creek Flood, medicine hat, Nova Rockafeller, Politic Live, Rome Angel, Saint Nick, Sonik, Stripes, Tour Dates Start Time: Saturday, July 17, 2010 at 8:00pm
End Time: Sunday, July 18, 2010 at 2:00am
Location: Hazzard County Roadhouse
Street: 3216 13 Ave SE
City/Town: Medicine Hat, AB
Artists Attending:
POLITIC LIVE (Edmonton) -
LETHAL COMBO (Calgary) - and
ROME ANGEL (Edmonton) -
SONIK (Edmonton) -
KESH (Edmonton) -
DEFFINE(Edmonton) -
STRIPES (Edmonton) -
ESSENCE MC (Edmonton)
You can see the event on facebook by clicking HERE and RSVP! Its for a Great cause!
And, being from Medicine Hat
.i think its where Gringos used to be. Right across from 13th Ave. Timmys where that liquor store is
the Coast lol. Right in that area. If im wrong, let me know! lol
Episode 204: Run EDM! (Short Episode)
Posted by ToxicDoom | Friday, July 09, 2010 | Announcements, Concerts, Edmonton, Grim Empire, K Blitz, medicine hat, Nova Rockafeller, Playlists, Podcast, Redef, Rome Angel, Run EDM, TrippzAre ya shocked? I know i am! lol. An early episode that i recorded at 7:40 this morning! WOW!
Now, this episode is short. I did want to get out there that i now have an Edmonton Scene! Nova Rockafeller - a 21 year old Edmonton Born, Jamaican raised - Female Rapper Representin' - and, well known - not just in Edmonton - but, all over - From T. Dot and back again! She does it all! Not only is Nova Rockafeller featured, i tried to focus on a few of the other artists that are on the Run EDM Mixtape i got from Nova yesterday!
So, of course - this is a BIG SHOUTOUT to Nova, Deffine, Redef, Grim Empire, Rome Angel and Trippz!
These are the songs in order:
1. Love-Hate (Feat. Deffine) By Nova Rockafeller
2. Break Away By Redef
3. VideoGame (Feat. Nova Rockafeller) By Grim Empire
4. It's Hilarious (Feat. K Blitz) By Trippz
5. On Blast By Nova Rockafeller
6. Can't See The Lyghtz by Rome Angel
Nova will be in Medicine Hat on July 17, and Edmonton at Eden on July 23rd...and, rounding out the month, July 29 in
She IS on Tap to perform for the flood victims of Maple Creek...and, as soon as i get more details about the show, i'll be sure to pass 'em along!
Oh yea! Links! lmao. 203 is NOW Live lol
Posted by ToxicDoom | Friday, July 02, 2010 | Announcements, Fucked up, News, Playlists, PodcastSo, i jumped ship yesterday when i Wasn't live - because, i forgot i was hosting my feed on my other host....when in fact, it's being hosted on Telus.
My Bad! LMAO!!! It's now up and running lol.
Sorry about that guys :)
Planning For The Gathering
Posted by ToxicDoom | Friday, July 02, 2010 | Announcements, Cave-In-Rock, Concerts, Gathering Of The Juggalos, Illinois, Juggalette, Juggalo, NewsJuggalos, the countdown is ON! As of today there are only forty-one days standing between you and four full days and nights of furious fun and family love at The 2010 Gathering of the Juggalos from August 12th - 15th at Cave-in-Rock, Illinois! The time to start prepping is NOW! If you keep saying Ill get my tickets tomorrow or Ill buy a tent later this week the next thing you know its the day before youre supposed to head out for Hatchet Landings and you dont have any clean drawers!
But dont panic just yet! We suggest you just start gettin your ducks in a row right now so your trip to the Gathering and your time During the Gathering are as worry free and fantastic as theyre meant to be!
First off, before you do any sort of planning youre going to want to get your ticket! You can purchase them online at Or while youre on the site you can look over the list of music stores and Hot Topics that are also selling tickets!
Next, why not start with a checklist of everything you want to bring with you to the Gathering? Sure, that bottle of Jack Daniels and a box full of face paint are important, but dont forget the other items that will make your stay at the Hatchet Landings a lot more relaxed! Sun screen, bug spray, shoes and clothes you wont mind getting dirty (you are camping after all), a first aid kit, a tent, sunglasses, Faygo, extra socks, spare money and smokes!
Now that youve got your ticket and all your stuff, you need to figure out how youre getting to The Gathering! Are you going to drive? Maybe you can save money by carpooling with your homies? Are you going to fly? Make sure you plan on having transportation from the airport to the Hatchet Landings when you arrive! Planes, trains, and motorcycles! There are lots of ways to get to the Gathering, you jut have to figure out which method is best for you!
If you have this all under wraps, congratulations! We cant see you at The Gathering! But for everyone else? Have no fear! There is still plenty of time to figure out all the details, get your stuff in order, and find your way to the 2010 Gathering of the Juggalos. But whatever you do, make sure you get there! Its going to be an amazing year and something youre not going to want to miss!
Note: This year the Gathering is going to be invading Cave-in-Rock, Illinois from August 12th to the 15th and is shaping up to be even bigger and better than last years! You know thats how the Gathering ninjas do it! Considering this is the only event of its kind for Juggalos, by Juggalos the only people they can top each year are themselves!
Big Money Rustlas PRE-ORDER UP NOW
Posted by ToxicDoom | Friday, July 02, 2010 | ABK, Announcements, Big Money Rustlas, Blaze Ya Dead Homie, Boondox, Corporal Robinson, DJ Clay, Gathering Of The Juggalos, Insane Clown Posse, Jamie Madrox, Juggalo, Jumpsteady, Monoxide, New On DVD, News, Psychopathic Records, Shaggy 2 Dope, Violent JAs of the printing of this article the brand new Psychopathic Records joint, Big Money Rustlas, is officially up for pre-order on! This just brings the entire slew of ever so patient Juggalos one step closer to owning this DVD of comedic genius for themselves!
The movie is set back in the day, during the times of the Wicked Wild West. The town of Mud Bug is suffering under the rule of gambling tycoon Big Baby Chips (Violent J) and his cronies: Raw Stank (Jaime Madrox), Dusty Poot (Monoxide), and Hack Benjamin (Jumpsteady). When the townsfolk have lost all hope, their hero takes shape in the form of Sheriff Sugar Wolf (Shaggy 2 Dope) who is no stranger to these parts. He has returned to bring honor to the Wolf name and run Big Baby Chips out of town. Who will win!? Youll just have to watch the movie to see!
Also starring in Big Money Rustlas is Blaze Ya Dead Homie, Boondox, ABK, Corporal Robinson, DJ Clay, Jason Mewes, Ron Jeremy, Mark Jury, and more! There are just too many names for us to list them all here, but what you end up with is a devastating ensemble cast that will leave you in stitches!
We suggest you take a look over at It seems in celebration of Big Money Rustlas being available for pre-order the site has been given a brand new layout and loaded with tons of new content. Find out more about the movie! Check out behind the scenes videos! Look at pictures of the cast and the huge Detroit Premiere that went down earlier this year! There is lots of stuff to keep you busy with more being added all the time!
And dont forget that if youre heading to The 11th Annual Gathering of the Juggalos you will be able to enjoy a screening of Big Money Rustlas with your fellow Juggalo family every single night! Not only that, but it will also be available for sale at the merchandise tent so you will be able to scoop up your very own copy and watch it on repeat the moment you get home and start recuperating from your four days and nights of Juggalo paradise!
This movie is going to be HUGE, Juggalos. It has taken ten years of blood and sweat to get it to the light of day, but now it's almost here! There are just weeks standing between you and the long awaited Big Money Rustlas! Just head over to and pre-order your copy now! These DVDs will be flying off the shelves and we want everyone to be able to experience the majesty of BIG MONEY RUSTLAS!
You can Pre-Order the DVD Here
Noblesse Oblige "The Great Electrifier/Beck And Call" July 27 Digital Only Single
Posted by ToxicDoom | Friday, July 02, 2010 | Announcements, Beck And Call, Digital Only Single, metropolis records, New On CD, News, Noblesse Oblige, The Great ElectriferAs a preview for the upcoming full length "Malady," we are pleased to announce a digital only single for the songs "The Great Electrifier" and "Beck And Call."
Click here to PRE-ORDER and it will ship to you when it is released on August 10, 2010.
About Noblesse Oblige:
Ex-London, now Berlin based duo Noblesse Oblige was formed in early 2004 by German songwriter/producer Sebastian Lee Philipp and French performer-cum-songwriter/chanteuse Valerie Renay after meeting at a masked ball in Hoxton during which Valerie was performing a live art show.
Their debut album Privilege Entails Responsibility (the English translation of the band name) was released in the U.K. in 2006. Its eclectic mix of disco punk, sixties French chanson and raw acoustic folklore combined with lyrical wit and dark humor proved an appealing combination among the London crowds. Its first single releases Bitch and Daddy (Don't touch me there) quickly became indie club regulars throughout Europe.
Having re-located to Berlin in autumn 2006, Noblesse Oblige started working on its follow-up album In Exile, released in autumn 2008 on RepoRecords. Written and recorded in the band's own Neukölln music studio, the album is a journey through its writers' diverse musical tastes and styles, taking influences from gothic horror movies, African tribal tunes and contemporary pop music. The songs are accompanied by tri-lingual lyrics that range from child-like nursery rhymes, over the bands ever present obsession with sex and death, to more sensual and dreamlike tales of unfound love and loneliness. Having toured and performed with artists including Dresden Dolls, Vive La Fete and Patti Smith among others, Noblesse Oblige gained a notorious reputation for their wild and spectacular live shows. Taking turns in playing guitar, samplers, piano, keyboards and drums or melodica, Sebastian and Valerie blend edgy electronics with a raw live sound that captures the sleazy, ambiguous tension within the duos sensual performance.
From hipster nightclubs in Paris to S&M dungeons in Rome, back to warehouse raves and art galleries of East London, Noblesse Oblige have toured most of Europe and - since their 2007 tour of Brazil - beyond back and forth over the past 3 years, resulting in a steadily growing loyal fan base. Closely linked to the art world through their regular appearances at international galleries and art institutes as well as Valerie's own background in theatre and live art performance, Noblesse Oblige count Turner prize winner Wolfgang Tillmans, Porn legend Rocco Siffredi and contemporary composer Michael Nyman among their fans, whilst the band's more danceable music has been supported by key club DJs such as Mark Moore (S'Express), Erol Alkan and Joost van Bellen.
Remaining members of Leigh Bowery's cult 80s band Minty asked Noblesse Oblige to re-record its underground hit Useless Man using Bowery's original vocal takes, which was included on the limited edition of Privilege Entails Responsibility's second single release Quel Genre de Garcon / Lil' Dirty. Noblesse Oblige songs have been remixed by artists including Motor (Novamute), Mona Mur, En Esch (ex-KMFDM) and Musiccargo (Amontillado Music), and their music has been used in several film productions and music compilations as well as international catwalk shows. Their innovative artwork and photography is regularly seen in galleries and printed media, such as the cover of Lydia Lunch's collection of short stories.
For hip underground director Edwin Brienen's L'amour toujours, Sebastian and Valerie were asked to star alongside Austrian cult actor Erwin Leder (Das Boot). N.O. also regularly appears as DJs in the club scenes of Berlin, London and Paris.
Between 2005 and 2007 their own club night Caligula was a popular event in London and received positive press attention. It was regularly voted Critic's choice in London's Time Out magazine, following a range of successful events that introduced an impressive range of Live acts including Motor (Novamute), Pam Hogg, Cursor Miner (Lo Recordings), Comanechi and Tetine (Souljazz) to name a few.
Besides her work as half of Noblesse Oblige, Valerie is a successful theatre and performance artist who trained with Philippe Gaullier in London and has directed several theatre shows as well as art festival appearances around the world. Recently she has re-emerged in the Berlin art and performance scene as her alter ego Femme Façade.
Sebastian is a music producer with his own Berlin recording studio in which he has most recently worked with The Hidden Cameras and Birol Ünel among others.
For 2010, Metropolis Records proudly welcomes Noblesse Oblige with the release its third album Malady, an occult concept album that cites the visual mysticism of Kenneth Anger, Aleister Crowley's storytelling, and the morbid melancholy of Christina Rossetti's poetry. The album was initiated by the bands' involvement in Robert Pacitti's 2009 London Spill Festival Tarot Deck project, for which Noblesse Oblige (in collaboration with photographer Manuel Vason) were asked to visualize their own interpretation of The Lovers Major Arcana card. Malady blends world music sounds, pop kitsch and new wave theatricality to create a unique musical landscape
Orange Sector to release "Krieg & Frieden" July 13
Posted by ToxicDoom | Friday, July 02, 2010 | Announcements, Krieg amp; Friden, metropolis records, New On CD, News, Orange SectorFormed in 1992, Orange Sector greatly impacted the EBM and industrial scenes with their hard hitting dance songs. Signing with Infacted Recordings (Europe) and Metropolis Records (North America), the band is poised to release their 8th album, Krieg & Frieden. Featuring 10 tracks and two remixes, the album represents a return to their roots with its aggressive synths, kinetic hooks, and unrelenting bass-lines. True to form, Orange Sector has once again raised the bar for others to reach.
About Orange Sector:
In 1992 Martin Bodewell and Lars Felker met in a Club called "Index" and discovered that they had the same interests in music. Martin and Lars each had their own musical endeavors at the time, but after only one meeting, Orange Sector was born. The legendary band DAF was a big influence on the dominant sound of Orange Sector. The name was a result of the band simply playing with various words. The Orange Sector was the name of the environment on stage. This is the place where everyone would meet, forget their problems, and have fun. The band rented a studio to produce their demo-tape "The War Comes Home." In the early years this name and lyrics represented the problems with society. The album art showed an American farmer who buried Agent Orange barrels in the ground. Lars and Martin only sent the demo to one record label, the legendary 90's EBM juggernaut Zoth Ommog. Label mastermind Talla 2XLC gave it to the producer Andre Schmechta (of "X Marks The Pedwalk") and said "I like, make it!" The dream came true. It did not take long for "Orange Sector" to get signed to their favorite label.
1993 saw huge milestones for the band: the first record "Faith" was recorded at the T.G.I.F. Studios, The song "Kalt wie Stahl" was a huge hit on the club dance floors. The song landed in the Frankfurt Techno Club charts at position #4. Orange Sector embarked on its first major tour with the Swedish band S.P.O.C.K.. The band became known for putting on a great live show. Orange Sector's "body show" was full of energy, gaining many fans, and lead to the founding of the Orange Sector Fan-Base "Bodysmashing".
During the Faith-Tour the band worked on new material for their next release. In 1994 the band released the album Flashback, which is considered their greatest album to date, and still hailed as a classic in the EBM genre. With the songs "Götter" and "Für immer", Orange Sector was ruling the dance floors. Not long after, the band released an EP of cover songs and original material, putting its own distinctive spin on classic songs like "Kids in America" (Kim Wilde), "Polizisten" (Extrabreit), and "I Was Made For Loving You" (Kiss).
Both personal and professional reasons caused Lars to leave the band, though he and Martin still remained in contact. Martin decided to carry on with the project, and after a long break released the record Love it. The new songs were much softer and more melodic. The old fans did not accept the new sound. In 1998 Martin rejoined Zoth Ommog with two more releases, Scars of Love and Masquerade. After a while, Martin lost his motivation and decided to leave the music scene.
In 2004 EBM was reanimated. The classic EBM sound was taking back the club scene once again. Torben Schmidt, label owner of "Infacted-Recordings," and the mastermind behind "Lights of Euphoria" played the old Orange Sector songs during his work as a DJ. He decided to contact Lars with a plan to release a compilation through the history of Orange Sector. Lars convinced Martin to have the album released. Martin said yes, and the band in the original line-up was together again. The Compilation Here We Are [BackAgain] was released in March 2005. A reinvigorated Orange Sector followed the release with an all new album in 2006, their first in over 12 years. Bassprodukt took Lars and Martin back to their roots: Hard, driving old school EBM.
Now, for 2010, the electro legends join Metropolis Records to release their 8th album, Krieg & Frieden. Featuring 10 tracks and two remixes; the album represents a return to their roots with its aggressive synths, kinetic hooks, and unrelenting bass-lines. True to form, Orange Sector has once again raised the bar for others to reach. This is what true EBM is all about.
Oh…. Canada! Episode 203 is NOW LIVE!!!
Posted by ToxicDoom | Thursday, July 01, 2010 | Amanda Marshall, Announcements, canada day, Canadian, CanEHdian, Classified, Feist, Framing Hanley, Lilith Fair, Playlists, Podcast, Sarah McLachlan, Scatterheart, StarsThis was SUPPOSED to Air a few hours ago, but thanks to the hard drive failure awhile back and, me having to get everything back...mixed with hosting changing how they're doing things...made for an interesting night to say the least! However - nothing changed about the show! It's Can-EH-dian all the way!
And, if my Mutt ways don't shine through
Seriously, the music is off the wall tonight! Things you normally don't hear on the podcast - mixed with some stuff that ya do - it was fun to play around with stuff i normally don't get a chance to play, and i'm thinking about hosting shows now that go with my mood. So, some things will be permanent fixtures!
Some news about the Lilith Fair Cancellation dates have been included (Psst: You can also check the Facebook fan page for the link to the article. Brings it to 12 as of July 1.
Lastly - this is a little bit longer than some of you are used to. Where i normally only do a 2 hour show at max...this ran about 45 minutes longer. Which, isn't a bad thing!
Be warned: Some of this music is REALLY off the wall! Amanda Marshall, Sarah McLachlan, Feist, Stars..among many others have been included. Even a little bit of a surprise near the end of the show!
Will i give it away? I think not!
You can tune in with the Listen Now button up top or, hopefully the player below will work! lmao.
Canada Day 2010!
Posted by ToxicDoom | Wednesday, June 30, 2010 | A Promise To Burn, Announcements, canada day, CanEHdian, Classified, Framing Hanley, k-os, Laws Of Illusion, Manafest, News, Podcast, Sarah McLachlan, Scatterheart, Stars, Swollen Members, Ten Second Epic, the birthday massacre, The Five GhostsWell, here we are again Canada Day!!! The day where booze and fireworks not to mention BBQs and outdoor events are sure to be plenty! In Medicine Hat, however we are lacking festivities. Not saying that the Canada day people and volunteers here suck
.but, the Music festival we had Sandfly Festival
..has been dampened. I think the Highlight for most people, will be The Stampeders.
So Ive decided to take matters into my own hands. I will be taking a day off from the Business plan to host a new episode of the podcast and, will also be doing another one on Saturday as well.
Tomorrows episode will be released sometime after 9pm or so MDT and, will feature music from Canadian Artists and bands! How cool is that?!?!
This will give me the chance to bring in some of the other independent bands and artists that I havent had much of a chance to play and, even some new ones that Ive brought in or, Artists who have released new stuff!
Heres what I have in my head for whats gonna be on tap!
- Scatterheart
- Sarah McLachlan (her new CD, Laws Of Illusion just dropped last week!)
- Manafest
- K-os
- Classified
- Stars (Theyve got a new CD out, The Five Ghosts)
- Ten Second Epic
- Swollen Members
- Framing Hanley (New CD "A Promise To Burn OUT NOW!)
- The Birthday Massacre
.And Many, MANY more!
So, if your plans are lacking or, youre out there partying let me be the DJ of your party, and tune into the podcast tomorrow!
Trust .its gonna be the BEST!
Canada Day 2010!
Posted by ToxicDoom | Wednesday, June 30, 2010 | A Promise To Burn, Announcements, canada day, CanEHdian, Classified, Framing Hanley, k-os, Laws Of Illusion, Manafest, News, Podcast, Sarah McLachlan, Scatterheart, Stars, Swollen Members, Ten Second Epic, the birthday massacre, The Five GhostsWell, here we are again Canada Day!!! The day where booze and fireworks not to mention BBQs and outdoor events are sure to be plenty! In Medicine Hat, however we are lacking festivities. Not saying that the Canada day people and volunteers here suck
.but, the Music festival we had Sandfly Festival
..has been dampened. I think the Highlight for most people, will be The Stampeders.
So Ive decided to take matters into my own hands. I will be taking a day off from the Business plan to host a new episode of the podcast and, will also be doing another one on Saturday as well.
Tomorrows episode will be released sometime after 9pm or so MDT and, will feature music from Canadian Artists and bands! How cool is that?!?!
This will give me the chance to bring in some of the other independent bands and artists that I havent had much of a chance to play and, even some new ones that Ive brought in or, Artists who have released new stuff!
Heres what I have in my head for whats gonna be on tap!
- Scatterheart
- Sarah McLachlan (her new CD, Laws Of Illusion just dropped last week!)
- Manafest
- K-os
- Classified
- Stars (Theyve got a new CD out, The Five Ghosts)
- Ten Second Epic
- Swollen Members
- Framing Hanley (New CD "A Promise To Burn OUT NOW!)
- The Birthday Massacre
.And Many, MANY more!
So, if your plans are lacking or, youre out there partying let me be the DJ of your party, and tune into the podcast tomorrow!
Trust .its gonna be the BEST!
Music to blame for murders? NO!
Posted by ToxicDoom | Monday, June 28, 2010 | Chris Rock, Denis Leary, George Carlin, Insane Clown Posse, interviews, Juggalette, Juggalo, More Drugs, Music industry, Nightline, Parents to blame, RIAA, Site News, videoIf you can't see the video - Click the link below!
Thanks to my friend, Janelle - i was able to find this video! Insane Clown Posse. They're interviewed on nightline - and, bring into question the "mental capacity" of the Juggalos.
Insane Clown Posse on Nightline March 9th 2010
These are the same people that bring into question the music industry as a whole. Comedians really word it best. Denis Leary for example:
"Heavy Metal bands on trial because kids commit suicide? What's that about? Judas Priest on trial because "my kid bought the record, and listened to the lyrics, ....." Well that's great! That sets a legal precedent. Does that mean I can sue Dan Folgerburg for making me into a pussy in the mid-70's. Is that possible, huh? Huh?! "Your honor, between him and James Taylor, I didn't get a blow job 'till I was 27 years old. I was in Colorado wearing hiking boots eating granola. I want some fucking money right now!"
-Denis Leary, "More Drugs" (from "No Cure For Cancer", 1990)
Hell, Chris Rock also said it - not quoted, cause i can't remember it off hand. But, it went something like....
"Rapper says Gun: Congressional Hearing"
Music CANNOT and SHOULD NOT be held responsible for the shit that these people do!!!
My question: Where the FUCK are the parents?
That's why this shit happens. It's not the fucking music! God almighty! These are the kids that are in Desperate need of medical attention. They're going through issues, and i personally believe that it's their way of reaching out. As twisted as it sounds.
Fuck - if ya wanna blame music, shouldn't we be pointing the fingers at the RIAA??? They're the ones that put the music out. Fuck - i figure that if the RIAA wants to sue people for downloading music....their asses should be sued for putting out bands like Marilyn Manson, Judas Priest...Eminem, 50 get the drift.
Now, let me make myself clear: I DO NOT have ANY issues with any of these bands or artists! Music is a self-expression, a mean to express your thoughts - regardless of how "Fucked up" they are.
You wanna blame someone? it is!
It's you fucking parents! If you took the fucking time to notice the "Signs" of depression - like my parents did when they got me help - we wouldn't have some of these school shootings, or murders. Don't put your fucking failure on the music industry as a whole. It's YOUR fault!
All you parents who are using your kids as "Trophies" - and, pushing them to be better and smarter than they are....and, you're only proud of them if they "Win" or, they do good....
I'll leave you with the words of George Carlin. Maybe these "Proud Parents" will take something from this shit!
"...Here's another pack of low-grade morons who oughta be locked into portable toilets, and set on fire. These people with bumper stickers that say 'we are the proud parents of an honor student at the franlin school' Ya know? Or the 'Midvale academy' - or, whatever other innocent sounding name has been assigned to the indoctrination center to be stripped of his individuality, and turned into an obedient soul , dead conformist member of the American Consumer Culture."
"Proud Parents?!? What kind of empty people need to validate themselves through the achievements of their children? How would you like to live with a couple of these 'misfits'?"
"How's that science fair project coming along, Justin?"
"Fuck you dad! You simple-minded Prick! Mind your own business and pass the damn cheerios!"
"Here's a bumper sticker i'd like to see! 'We are the proud parents of a child who's self-esteem is sufficient, that he doesn't need us promoting his minor scholastic achievements on the back of our car!' Orrr...'We are the proud parents of a child who has resisted his teachers attempts to break his spirit, and bend him to the will of his corporate masters.'
-George Carlin, "Parents and Honor Students" (From 'Complaints and Grievances" - 2001)
Music to blame for murders? NO!
Posted by ToxicDoom | Monday, June 28, 2010 | Chris Rock, Denis Leary, George Carlin, Insane Clown Posse, interviews, Juggalette, Juggalo, More Drugs, Music industry, Nightline, Parents to blame, RIAA, Site News, videoIf you can't see the video - Click the link below!
Thanks to my friend, Janelle - i was able to find this video! Insane Clown Posse. They're interviewed on nightline - and, bring into question the "mental capacity" of the Juggalos.
Insane Clown Posse on Nightline March 9th 2010
These are the same people that bring into question the music industry as a whole. Comedians really word it best. Denis Leary for example:
"Heavy Metal bands on trial because kids commit suicide? What's that about? Judas Priest on trial because "my kid bought the record, and listened to the lyrics, ....." Well that's great! That sets a legal precedent. Does that mean I can sue Dan Folgerburg for making me into a pussy in the mid-70's. Is that possible, huh? Huh?! "Your honor, between him and James Taylor, I didn't get a blow job 'till I was 27 years old. I was in Colorado wearing hiking boots eating granola. I want some fucking money right now!"
-Denis Leary, "More Drugs" (from "No Cure For Cancer", 1990)
Hell, Chris Rock also said it - not quoted, cause i can't remember it off hand. But, it went something like....
"Rapper says Gun: Congressional Hearing"
Music CANNOT and SHOULD NOT be held responsible for the shit that these people do!!!
My question: Where the FUCK are the parents?
That's why this shit happens. It's not the fucking music! God almighty! These are the kids that are in Desperate need of medical attention. They're going through issues, and i personally believe that it's their way of reaching out. As twisted as it sounds.
Fuck - if ya wanna blame music, shouldn't we be pointing the fingers at the RIAA??? They're the ones that put the music out. Fuck - i figure that if the RIAA wants to sue people for downloading music....their asses should be sued for putting out bands like Marilyn Manson, Judas Priest...Eminem, 50 get the drift.
Now, let me make myself clear: I DO NOT have ANY issues with any of these bands or artists! Music is a self-expression, a mean to express your thoughts - regardless of how "Fucked up" they are.
You wanna blame someone? it is!
It's you fucking parents! If you took the fucking time to notice the "Signs" of depression - like my parents did when they got me help - we wouldn't have some of these school shootings, or murders. Don't put your fucking failure on the music industry as a whole. It's YOUR fault!
All you parents who are using your kids as "Trophies" - and, pushing them to be better and smarter than they are....and, you're only proud of them if they "Win" or, they do good....
I'll leave you with the words of George Carlin. Maybe these "Proud Parents" will take something from this shit!
"...Here's another pack of low-grade morons who oughta be locked into portable toilets, and set on fire. These people with bumper stickers that say 'we are the proud parents of an honor student at the franlin school' Ya know? Or the 'Midvale academy' - or, whatever other innocent sounding name has been assigned to the indoctrination center to be stripped of his individuality, and turned into an obedient soul , dead conformist member of the American Consumer Culture."
"Proud Parents?!? What kind of empty people need to validate themselves through the achievements of their children? How would you like to live with a couple of these 'misfits'?"
"How's that science fair project coming along, Justin?"
"Fuck you dad! You simple-minded Prick! Mind your own business and pass the damn cheerios!"
"Here's a bumper sticker i'd like to see! 'We are the proud parents of a child who's self-esteem is sufficient, that he doesn't need us promoting his minor scholastic achievements on the back of our car!' Orrr...'We are the proud parents of a child who has resisted his teachers attempts to break his spirit, and bend him to the will of his corporate masters.'
-George Carlin, "Parents and Honor Students" (From 'Complaints and Grievances" - 2001)
Going Through Changes!
Posted by ToxicDoom | Monday, June 28, 2010 | Announcements, Bizarre, Business plan, Fight Song, Kutt Calhoun, Methods of Mayhem, Misc., News, Podcast, Radio station, Stone SourNothing major guys! I swear! I just wanted to let you guys know a few things!
First off - the podcast will make a slight return this week! I'll be playing some NEW MUSIC! Most notably, from Kutt Calhoun, Bizarre, Stone Sour....And, i'll be unleashing the new Methods of Mayhem Song, "Fight Song"
Now, to keep you guys here in the loop as to why i've been gone so long! I normally take the summers off - though, this time, that's not the case. I am actually in the middle of putting together a business plan, and a business model to take the podcast to the next level - A dedicated 24/365 (or, 362) online radio station!
I am going through a company based out of Toronto - Leadership Grants of Canada. Although, nothing is set in stone yet - i'm feeling bery confident! Even if the grant doesn't go as planned, i will be taking this business plan to a local company - regardless - because, i do need a proof-reader. Someone to give me feedback, and make changes where needed to give it that extra spark.
So, that's where i'm at right now! And, the business plan is nothing to sneeze at. I've completed almost 3 sections (not to mention the sub-sections that come with them) - and, have already put together 40+ pages. I still have 8 or 9 sections left, and the deadline is next month - July 23. 6 Weeks from start to finish!
In between - my weekends will be dedicated on pushing out new shows - as i know i only have 2 thanks to the fucking old feed going down (Which is really weird, because if you go into iTunes - episodes 101 to 115 and beyond are still there, but...can't be downloaded. They'll play from the storefront though! lmao!)
My next task before Saturday's episode unleashes upon ya guys - will be going direct to the labels that i work with, and basically tell them what's going on - and, how much support i'm going to need for this idea to come together!
Anyways guys, i AM reading all your feedback i've been given - and felt that it was necessary to let ya guys know where i'm at in this world - even though it's not set in stone yet. I didn't wanna jinx shit, hence why i didn't get into it when i applied for this grant, and even still, i feel like i might not get anywhere with this, and the idea of launching a full blown radio station.
This is where i need your support - Now, more than EVER!!!
I'll keep you guys updated, and in the loop starting today - and, throughout the rest of this process! I'm hopeful for this, and hope you guys will be too!
Going Through Changes!
Posted by ToxicDoom | Monday, June 28, 2010 | Announcements, Bizarre, Business plan, Fight Song, Kutt Calhoun, Methods of Mayhem, Misc., News, Podcast, Radio station, Stone SourNothing major guys! I swear! I just wanted to let you guys know a few things!
First off - the podcast will make a slight return this week! I'll be playing some NEW MUSIC! Most notably, from Kutt Calhoun, Bizarre, Stone Sour....And, i'll be unleashing the new Methods of Mayhem Song, "Fight Song"
Now, to keep you guys here in the loop as to why i've been gone so long! I normally take the summers off - though, this time, that's not the case. I am actually in the middle of putting together a business plan, and a business model to take the podcast to the next level - A dedicated 24/365 (or, 362) online radio station!
I am going through a company based out of Toronto - Leadership Grants of Canada. Although, nothing is set in stone yet - i'm feeling bery confident! Even if the grant doesn't go as planned, i will be taking this business plan to a local company - regardless - because, i do need a proof-reader. Someone to give me feedback, and make changes where needed to give it that extra spark.
So, that's where i'm at right now! And, the business plan is nothing to sneeze at. I've completed almost 3 sections (not to mention the sub-sections that come with them) - and, have already put together 40+ pages. I still have 8 or 9 sections left, and the deadline is next month - July 23. 6 Weeks from start to finish!
In between - my weekends will be dedicated on pushing out new shows - as i know i only have 2 thanks to the fucking old feed going down (Which is really weird, because if you go into iTunes - episodes 101 to 115 and beyond are still there, but...can't be downloaded. They'll play from the storefront though! lmao!)
My next task before Saturday's episode unleashes upon ya guys - will be going direct to the labels that i work with, and basically tell them what's going on - and, how much support i'm going to need for this idea to come together!
Anyways guys, i AM reading all your feedback i've been given - and felt that it was necessary to let ya guys know where i'm at in this world - even though it's not set in stone yet. I didn't wanna jinx shit, hence why i didn't get into it when i applied for this grant, and even still, i feel like i might not get anywhere with this, and the idea of launching a full blown radio station.
This is where i need your support - Now, more than EVER!!!
I'll keep you guys updated, and in the loop starting today - and, throughout the rest of this process! I'm hopeful for this, and hope you guys will be too!
Been Awhile!
Posted by ToxicDoom | Thursday, April 01, 2010 | BellTV, Cougar, friends, personal, random, Randomness, rant, TelusWell - i'm back from break for a little - just to kind of update ya guys on what's happening in my life right now :) One entry that would normally go to the personal blog - but, one that i think ya guys should know about.
During my time off, there has been a little bit going on in this house. Actually, a lot. First, we're in the process of losing the house. Parents went and got a second mortgage a few years ago, screwed up - dad lost his job. But, the real estate guy came 2 weeks ago, and appraised the house. A little bit below what was originally given....but, gave us basically a 2 month time frame. Wants us out by mid-May, which means i have to find a place to stay.
I've been running around a little bit, trying to find a place - and, i think i may have found a place. With one of the people i met during the 2nd stay at the hospital. Problem is, i can't take my cats - therefore, i have to leave them with Dad and Kelly - which isn't really an issue, cause the cats know i'm not abandoning them. They're well taken care of with them, and i don't have to worry about them as a whole.
Yea, as you can plainly see, i'm an animal person. And, the things that half these people who own pets don't do, i hate with a passion. When ya have a bloody animal, you're supposed to treat it how you would like to be treated. Food, shelter - LOVE.
....But, that's off topic :)
So, now that's taken care of. It sucks when you're on social assistance though, and they'll only give ya $323 a month for rent. lol. Ya barely make enough to survive. Stupid Canadian politics. If it wasn't for the deal i hammed out, i don't have to really give up anything. I only pay for BellTV and Telus internet and phone. She's got a dish - so, 1 terminal can go back. That'll lower my bill a little bit. Plus, she wants away from Shaw - so, me brining up the Internet and a phone...yep yep.
I'm hoping to get back to school soon too. I can't do it from a school based setting - last time i was assessed. So...i can do it from home. This house is just not doing it for me anymore. I need to be on my own. Lotta bad shit that i just done with. Stupid demons lol. (No, not in the paranormal sense.)
Oh - and, then computer crashed LMAO. Perfect fucking timing if i do say so myself. And, the guy has had it since...Saturday. Maybe Tech2Go in Medicine Hat wasn't my smartest move. Yea, ok - it all crashed. Hard drive failed - and, burnt out. Dust and Fur (That should've actually been cleaned by the last guy - no name's.) But, everything that failed burned out. And, everything was running on low power. So, MDG kinda sucks in my book's.
So, now i lost everything. Labels and Bands: This is why i ask for HARD COPIES! lol. Cause, now - i gotta put all my crap back in there - and, download what i can get back. Lost everything on that drive i had over 3 years. Now, let's just hope that Telus likes me....cause, they're gonna see bandwidth increase lol.
That's why i'm still gone. Plus, i've been sick these last 5 days, and am just getting over it. I'm using a bloody netbook that's hooked up to the monitor and keyboard....and, using wireless right now. Kinda sucks lol. So, i haven't really been around as much as i used to. I don't think i ever will be on like that for awhile. I'll be here when i can, but other than that.... lol.
Please understand that if i'm not here, and not doing the show right's not cause i don't want to. I have to, because there's a lot of crap right now that's happening that i need to take a break from. To get my life on the track i want and need it to go....and, do it without getting overwhelmed.
And, i'm still trying to figure out who my friends are. That takes some time. Not only offline, but online as well. I've had some fake ass people just drain it out of me. First, there was "Nat". And, i really don't know shit cause she's blocked me. I didn't start to really judge....But, Chad had me too, and i stopped following him and talking to him. He's come off fake. He talks all this shit, and then does something to contradict himself, and be proved wrong...and, makes up shit. PLAYA! lol.
Fuck - half the friends i used to consider friends have seem to come up as well. Yea, there's some i hold true - but, some that i consider....Associates lol. But, some of them are just...don't want anything to seem to wanna do with me. Is it cause i'm broken? Maybe i'm just a wallflower - well, i know i am, but to a point. I dunno. Maybe it's just cause i have the depression and bi-polar shit. Maybe it's cause people can't seem to drop shit in their heads that i have taken the blame for, but are just made up....cause, i don't "Cougar it up" lol. Not to someone i've known for 20 some years.
Anyways, i'm rambling on and on. All this shit that's been following me a month and some have now come out. Take it as ya will. :)
Girlicious singer arrested on cocaine charge
Posted by ToxicDoom | Wednesday, March 10, 2010 | Cocaine, Drugs, Girlicious, Jail, Natalie Mejia, Site NewsNow, i'm not here to judge....becuase, really - That's not our place in the world in my opinion. That's left for whatever or whoever the higher being is. And, there's enough damn judgment in this world to last a bloody lifetime.
HOWEVER - i can say that i'm extremely disappointed in her. A chick that almost every girl looks up to (And that some pretend to - gets arrested on a damn cocaine charge, and sits in jail today.
They found this shit in her purse! And, she was a passenger of the car, and got busted heading up to a concert in Canada with her driver.
Now, either way ya look at it - she's guilty as sin. Passenger or not. Anybody that traffic's this shit deserves punishment by law - to the full extent.
There - that's my 2 cents! Now - here's the full article that came in 4 hours ago! (And, yes guys - that's her REAL mugshot taken just hours ago after the bust)
GLENDALE A singer from the pop group Girlicious was arrested Tuesday night after police allegedly found more than a dozen individual packages of cocaine in her Gucci purse, officials said.
Natalie Mejia, 21, of Diamond Bar is being held today in Glendale City Jail in lieu of a $30,000 bond, according to a Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department.
Mejia and Peter Asencio, 28, of Burbank were taken into custody after a police noticed a 1998 Ford Mustang driving at a high rate of speed, Glendale Police Sgt. Tom Lorenz said.
The officer stopped the car at Victory Boulevard and Winchester Avenue, just before it went onto the Ventura (134) Freeway, he said.
Mejia, who was a passenger in the car, was apparently heading to an airport for a concert in Canada, Lorenz said.
Police searched the Mustang after discovering Asencios drivers license was suspended, Lorenz said.
During the search, police allegedly found multiple individual baggies of cocaine in Mejias Gucci purse.
"She doesnt know how it go into her purse," Lorenz said.
She and Asencio were immediately arrested on suspicion of possessing cocaine for sale, Lorenz said. Asencio was also arrested in connection with driving on a suspended drivers license, he said.
In 2008, Mejia was a contestant on the CW reality show, Pussycat Dolls Present: Girlicious.
I'm sorry to have to do this again guys, i REALLY am but, my mental capacity to deal with shit has just....gone down. It's a long story to get into right now, and really not for the podcast blog. Those of you that can get to my personal blog, because ya know the address - or, something else that makes ya find it (lol) - it's all on there.
I now need to take the time off during the Winter games to "Reflect" on shit. To put shit into perspective. Hopefully for the better...maybe not. I'm not too optimistic right now about that whole front.
Duing this time - i will rarely be seen. And, if i am, it'll be on msn. And, that'll be once in a blue moon.
No, i am NOT quitting the podcast. That's not what needs to be put into perspective. So, don't worry about that. Regular episodes will begin again in March.
Hopefully, i'll have a clearer head to do shit - and, get shit done.
Again, i do apologize for the downtime once again - but, every now and then, this is what a person has to do. And, mental capacity trumps other shit in a heartbeat. Not like i need to end up back in the hospital because of stress again.
Brotha Lynch Hung Coathangastrangla Trailer
Posted by ToxicDoom | Wednesday, February 03, 2010 | Announcements, Brotha Lynch Hung Coathangastrangla, News, Tech N9ne, Trailer, videoTech N9ne launched it tonight so, here it is in all its glory!
Its Rated TD: for Truly Disturbing! :D
The Audition "Great Danger" Album Cover Revealed
Posted by ToxicDoom | Wednesday, February 03, 2010 | Announcements, Great Danger, News, The Audition, Victory RecordsOn March 16, Victory Records proudly brings you the brand new album from The Audition, Great Danger.
Check out the video below!
Video: Young the Giant
Posted by ToxicDoom | Wednesday, February 03, 2010 | music video, Music Videos, Roadrunner Records, video, Young The GiantRoadrunner Records newcomers Young the Giant are currently in the studio with Grammy-award winning producer Joe Chiccarrelli working on their forthcoming debut. Get to know the band here, and check out their work in progress in the video below.
Roadrunner Votes on Top 10 Albums of the 00's
Posted by ToxicDoom | Wednesday, February 03, 2010 | Announcements, At The The Drive-In, Deftones, Glassjaw, Iron Maiden, Killswitch Engage, Mastadon, Muse, News, Opeth, Radiohead, Roadrunner Records, Slipknot, System Of A Down, Tool
Don't adjust your web browser -- we know it's February 2010, but as we move through the first couple months of this new decade, we can't help but reflect on some great music from the not-so-distant past.
Since 1986, Roadrunner Records US contingent has proudly carved itself a niche in hard and heavy music. In later years weve branched out to radio rock and even the alt/indie field, but when it came time to rate the Top 10 albums of the first decade of this millennium, our staff and artists alike kept with Roadrunners traditions, and focused mainly on metal with a few surprises in the mix.
Though youll find a lot of Roadrunner releases in our consensus list below, know that this Top 10 was compiled of over 40 entries from Roadrunner employees around the globe and even includes the opinions of artists like Max Cavalera, Corey Taylor, Matt Heafy, Joel Stroetzel and much more.
So heres the Top 10 that most of us agreed on, and judging by our tie for the number four position and three-way tie for number 9, it wasnt all in perfect harmony.
1. Killswitch Engage The End of Heartache
2. Killswitch Engage Alive or Just Breathing
3. System of a Down - Toxicity
4. Deftones White Pony
4. At the Drive-In Relationship of Command
5. Opeth Blackwater Park
6. Tool Lateralus
7. Mastodon Crack the Skye
8. Glassjaw Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Silence
9. Slipknot Vol. 3 the Subliminal Verses
9. Radiohead In Rainbows
9. Iron Maiden Brave New World
10. Muse - Absolution
Roadrunner Records Signs Madam Adam
Posted by ToxicDoom | Wednesday, February 03, 2010 | Announcements, Madam Adam, News, Roadrunner Records
Roadrunner Records is pleased to announce the signing of Charleston, South Carolina rock band MADAM ADAM. The band is currently finishing up the recording of their as-yet untitled Roadrunner debut in Nashville, Tennessee, where they are working with producer/mixer Skidd Mills (Saving Abel, Saliva, Skillet, Sick Puppies.) Roadrunner expects to release the album in summer of 2010, and the band will be announcing some Southeast tour dates shortly.
The band - vocalist/guitarist Scott Gould, bassist Kenny Varner, guitarist Drew Reindollar and drummer Matthew Reindollar - has posted webisodes from the studio sessions on their MySpace page.
Roadrunner Senior VP of A&R Ron Burman commented about the signing, saying, "I'm really excited to be working with Madam Adam. They have really catchy rock songs, the kind that I grew up listening to on rock radio. Madam Adam write songs that stick in your head after one listen, which is rare. The singer, Scott, has a great voice and they are an exceptionally good live band."
"We're grateful for the opportunity to work with Ron Burman and the staff at Roadrunner -- to have such an accomplished team behind us is that dream every kid with a guitar hopes becomes a reality," Gould said. "Last week, we laid the final tracks to the debut, thanks in part to producer Skidd 'The Wizard' Mills and at the moment we're describing it as Casablanca starring Conan the Barbarian."
Velocity Records forms and starts imprint with Rise
Posted by ToxicDoom | Wednesday, February 03, 2010 | Announcements, Dave Shapiro, News, Rise Records, The Devil Wears Prada, Velocity RecordsDave Shapiro (Booking Agent at The Agency Group, Los Angeles) and Portland, Oregons Rise Records are pleased to announce their recent partnership to create a new imprint in the Rise Records family - Velocity Records.
Dave Shapiro will own and run the new label with the help of the Rise team, and will be working directly with Rise on all upcoming and future projects. This exciting new partnership will further develop the successful working relationship that Shapiro and Rise already have together, which can most notably be seen in the current popularity of metalcore buzz band The Devil Wears Prada, who they have worked with together since late 2006.
This is only the beginning of what can be expected to result from this pairing. Velocity Records will be making its first official announcement very soon so please keep both Velocity and Rise on your radar, as there will be much more to come.
Posted by ToxicDoom | Wednesday, February 03, 2010 | Bike and Los Furios, Scatterheart, The Commodore, Tour Dates, VancouverEvent: SCATTERHEART at the COMMODORE! "with Bike and Los Furios"
What: Concert Start Time: Saturday, March 27 at 8:00pm
End Time: Saturday, March 27 at 11:55pm
Where: Commodore Ballroom,868 Granville Street
Vancouver, BC
Victory Records: Tour Round Up
Posted by ToxicDoom | Wednesday, February 03, 2010 | Bury Your Dead, Chase Long Beach, Destrophy, Emmure, MOSH Lives II, Otep, Silverstein, The Audition, The Sleeping, Tour Dates, Victory RecordsLabelmates OTEP, BURY YOUR DEAD, and DESTROPHY will all be heading out together on the Rise, Rebel, Resist Tour in the next two weeks. This hard-hitting excursion is sure to impress. Get your tickets now and don't miss out.
- Feb 15, 2010 - Tempe, AZ, US @ CLUBHOUSE
- Feb 16, 2010 - Farmington, NM, US @ Totah Theater
- Feb 17, 2010 - Denver, CO, US @ MARQUIS THEATRE
- Feb 18, 2010 - Colorado Springs, CO @ BLACK SHEEP
- Feb 19, 2010 - Salina, KS @ THE BLUE GOAT
- Feb 21, 2010 - Cincinnati, OH, US @ Inner Circle
- Feb 23, 2010 - St Louis, MO, US @ FUBAR
- Feb 25, 2010 - Cleveland, OH, US @ PEABODY'S
- Feb 26, 2010 - Detroit, MI, US @ HARPO'S
- Feb 27, 2010 - Columbus, OH, US @ AL ROSA
- Feb 28, 2010 - Buffalo, NY, US @ TOWN BALLROOM
- Mar 2, 2010 - Orono, ME, US @ 103 Ultra Lounge
- Mar 3, 2010 - Worcester, MA, US @ PALLADIUM
- Mar 4, 2010 - Hartford, CT, US @ WEBSTER THEATRE
- Mar 5, 2010 - READING, PA, US @ THE SILO
- Mar 6, 2010 - Farmingdale, NY, US @ CRAZY DONKEY
- Mar 7, 2010 - Springfield, VA, US @ JAXX
- Mar 9, 2010 - Raleigh, NC @ VOLUME 11
- Mar 10, 2010 - Spartanburg, SC, US @ GROUND ZERO
- Mar 11, 2010 - Atlanta, GA, US @ MASQUERADE
- Mar 12, 2010 - Orlando, FL, US @ LYRICA
- Mar 16, 2010 - Little Rock, AR, US @ The Village
- Mar 17, 2010 - Houston, TX, US @ ROCBAR
- Mar 18, 2010 - Mission, TX, US @ SMOKING ACES
- Mar 19, 2010 - San Antonio, TX, US @ WHITE RABBIT
- Mar 20, 2010 - Ft. Worth, TX, US @ RIDGLEA THEATER
- Mar 21, 2010 - Gallup, NM, US @ EL MORRO THEATER
- Mar 24, 2010 - Spokane, WA, US @ Knitting Factory
- Mar 25, 2010 - Seattle, WA, US @ STUDIO SEVEN
- Mar 26, 2010 - Portland, OR, US @ SATYRICON
- Mar 27, 2010 - Reno, NV, US @ NEW OASIS
- Mar 28, 2010 - Santa Ana, CA, US @ GALAXY CONCERT THEATRE
- Mar 30, 2010 - San Francisco, CA, US @ DNA LOUNGE
- Mar 31, 2010 - West Hollywood, CA, US @ Whiskey A Go Go
- Apr 1, 2010 - Las Vegas, NV, US @ CHEYENNE SALOON
- Apr 2, 2010 - Ramona, CA, US @ RAMONA MAINSTAGE
Come set it off with THE SLEEPING who are on board for a month-long tour from the east coast, hitting two shows in Canada, trekking through the Midwest and ending with a week of dates in California.
- Feb 3, 2010 - Philadelphia, PA, US @ TLA
- Feb 4, 2010 - Baltimore, MD @ OTTOBAR
- Feb 5, 2010 - South Hackensack, NJ, US @ SCHOOL OF ROCK
- Feb 6, 2010 - New York, NY @ BLENDER THEATRE @ GRAMERCY
- Feb 8, 2010 - Boston, MA, US @ Paradise Rock Club
- Feb 9, 2010 - Montreal, QC, CA @ Underworld
- Feb 10, 2010 - Toronto, ON, CA @ EL MOCAMBO
- Feb 11, 2010 - Buffalo, NY @ MOHAWK PLACE
- Feb 12, 2010 - Pittsburgh, PA @ DIESEL
- Feb 13, 2010 - Cleveland, OH, US @ PEABODY'S
- Feb 14, 2010 - Chicago, IL, US @ REGGIE'S ROCK CLUB
- Feb 16, 2010 - St. Paul, MN, US @ STATION 4
- Feb 17, 2010 - Des Moines, IA, US @ House of Bricks
- Feb 18, 2010 - Omaha, NE, US @ SOKOL UNDERGROUND
- Feb 19, 2010 - Denver, CO, US @ The Marquis Theatre
- Feb 20, 2010 - Salt Lake City, UT, US @ MURRAY THEATER
- Feb 22, 2010 - Seattle, WA @ EL CORAZON
- Feb 23, 2010 - Portland, OR, US @ Hawthorne Theater
- Feb 24, 2010 - Orangevale, CA, US @ THE BOARDWALK
- Feb 25, 2010 - Modesto, CA, US @ Modesto Virtual
- Feb 26, 2010 - Los Angeles, CA @ THE AVALON
- Feb 27, 2010 - Orangevale, CA, US @ CLUB RETRO
- Feb 28, 2010 - Bakersfield, CA, US @ Jerry's Pizza
- Mar 2, 2010 - W. Hollywood, CA, US @ TROUBADOR
- Mar 3, 2010 - Palmdale, CA, US @ The Crossing
THE AUDITION's Revolutions and Resolutions headlining tour is back on track after a few acoustic performances this past week. Come sing along with them for the remaining dates to hear some new songs from their upcoming March 16th release, Great Danger.
- Feb 3, 2010 - Victorville, CA, US @ KARMA
- Feb 4, 2010 - Los Angeles, CA, US @ The Roxy
- Feb 6, 2010 - Cupertino, CA, US @ The Refuge
- Feb 7, 2010 - Reno, NV, US @ TBA
- Feb 8, 2010 - Salt Lake City, UT, US @ In the Venue
- Feb 10, 2010 - Denver, CO, US @ Marquis Theatre
- Feb 11, 2010 - Des Moines, IA, US @ House of Bricks
- Feb 12, 2010 - Madison, WI, US @ THE LOFT
- Feb 13, 2010 - Minneapolis, MN, US @ Triple Rock
- Feb 14, 2010 - Chicago, IL @ TBA
- Feb 15, 2010 - Detroit, MI, US @ MAGIC STICK
- Feb 16, 2010 - Cleveland, OH, US @ Peabody's
- Feb 17, 2010 - Erie, PA, US @ Forward Hall
- Feb 18, 2010 - Louisville, KY, US @ Bulldog Cafe
- Feb 19, 2010 - St Louis, MO, US @ CICEROS
EMMURE's MOSH Lives II Tour has made its way into the US with a vengeance and will continue to leave a wake of devastation in its path with the dates to come.
- Feb 3, 2010 - Seattle, WA @ EL CORAZON
- Feb 4, 2010 - Portland, OR, US @ HAWTHORNE THEATRE
- Feb 5, 2010 - San Jose, CA, US @ PBSJ
- Feb 6, 2010 - San Diego, CA, US @ SOMA
- Feb 7, 2010 - Anaheim, CA, US @ Chain Reaction
- Feb 9, 2010 - El Paso, TX @ CHIC'S BAR AND BILLIARDS
- Feb 10, 2010 - Austin, TX, US @ EMO'S
- Feb 11, 2010 - McAllen, TX, US @ McAllen Creative Incubator
- Feb 12, 2010 - Houston, TX, US @ MERIDIAN
- Feb 13, 2010 - Dallas, TX, US @ THE DOOR
- Feb 14, 2010 - Little Rock, AR, US @ The Village
- Feb 15, 2010 - Pensacola, FL, US @ Pensacola Civic Center
- Feb 16, 2010 - Ft. Lauderdale, FL, US @ Culture Room
- Feb 17, 2010 - Tampa, FL, US @ ORPHEUM
- Feb 18, 2010 - Atlanta, GA, US @ MASQUERADE
- Feb 19, 2010 - Raleigh, NC @ THE BREWERY
- Feb 20, 2010 - Baltimore, MD, US @ OTTOBAR
- Feb 21, 2010 - Allentown, PA, US @ CROCODILE ROCK
CHASE LONG BEACH continue their venture across the US on their current tour. Join the fun and get your first chance to hear their new singer, Alana, at the dates below.
- Feb 3, 2010 - St. Louis, MO, US @ Pop's
- Feb 5, 2010 - Chicago, IL, US @ BOTTOM LOUNGE
- Feb 6, 2010 - Lincoln, NE, US @ KNICKERBOCKERS
- Feb 7, 2010 - Des Moines, IA, US @ Vaudeville Mews
- Feb 8, 2010 - Kansas City, MO, US @ Riot Room
- Feb 10, 2010 - SALINA, KS, US @ BLUE GOAT
- Feb 11, 2010 - Oklahoma City, OK, US @ The Attic
- Feb 12, 2010 - TEXARKANA, TX, US @ I LOVE EVELYN
- Feb 14, 2010 - Scottsdale, AZ, US @ CHYRO ARTS
- Feb 15, 2010 - TUSCON, AZ, US @ THE HUT
SILVERSTEIN will be performing four very special shows in their hometown of Toronto, Ontario, in mid-march. During the four nights, the band will be playing one of their studio albums, in succession, in its entirety. The first night will be When Broken Is Easily Fixed; the second, Discovering the Waterfront; the third, Arrivals and Departures; and the final night, A Shipwreck in the Sand.
- Mar 18, 2010 - Toronto, ON, CA @ EL MOCAMBO
- Mar 19, 2010 - Toronto, ON, CA @ EL MOCAMBO
- Mar 20, 2010 - Toronto, ON, CA @ EL MOCAMBO
- Mar 21, 2010 - Toronto, ON, CA @ EL MOCAMBO
Aiden – From Hell… With Love Album Cover Revealed
Posted by ToxicDoom | Wednesday, February 03, 2010 | Aiden, Announcements, From Hell With Love, New On CD, News, Victory Records
For much of the last decade, AIDEN has been an uncanny force of high-energy punk rock that cannot be equaled. Having conquered Warped Tour, Download Festival, Taste Of Chaos and many other tours and festivals, AIDEN has proven that they are one of the finest and most intense live bands ever. Below is the album cover for From Hell
With Love, the live CD/DVD that was recorded on January 13th in Chicago, IL.
From Hell
With Love will be available in stores everywhere on March 16th for the low price of $9.99.
Buy Aiden Merch Now!
February 16th Pre-order Packages
Posted by ToxicDoom | Wednesday, February 03, 2010 | Announcements, Carniflex, Close Your Eyes, Jamie's Elsewhere, New On CD, News, Pre-Order, Victory RecordsCARNIFEX's dark new opus, Hell Chose Me, is now available for pre-order. For just $18, you will receive the vile and destructive new release with an autographed CD booklet and a brutal CARNIFEX t-shirt that is exclusive to this pre-order. Hell Chose Me will be the next American Death Metal masterpiece when it hits stores February 16th.
The CLOSE YOUR EYES pre-order package is now available. For only $18, get a brand new CLOSE YOUR EYES t-shirt along with a copy of their powerful debut album, We Will Overcome. We Will Overcome continues the tradition of taking strong, positive, melodic hardcore music from the underground and pumping it into the hearts of fans world-wide. If you are a fan of A DAY TO REMEMBER, COMEBACK KID, and RISE AGAINST, you'll love CLOSE YOUR EYES. Discover your next favorite band before everyone else does.
The JAMIE'S ELSEWHERE pre-order package is also available. For just $18, you'll get a brand new JAMIE'S ELSEWHERE t-shirt along with their sophomore album, They Said A Storm Was Coming, which hits stores February 16th. They Said A Storm Was Coming packs a ferocious punch that combines giant breakdowns with unforgettable pop-metal hooks and choruses. If you are a fan of A DAY TO REMEMBER, ATTACK ATTACK, and UNDEROATH, you'll love JAMIE'S ELSEWHERE.
February 16th Digital Singles Now Available
Posted by ToxicDoom | Wednesday, February 03, 2010 | amazon, Announcements, Carniflex, Close Your Eyes, Giants Among Common Men, itunes, Jamie's Elsewhere, News, Victory Records"Hell Chose Me", the crushing new title track from CARNIFEX, is now available at your favorite digital retailer. This single is just one of the many fantastic pieces from the band's most wicked work yet, Hell Chose Me.
JAMIE'S ELSEWHERE has also released their digital single for "Giants Among Common Men". The fresh new song is taken from their sophomore album, They Said A Storm Was Coming, which proves to be as heavy as it is catchy.
CLOSE YOUR EYES have debuted their heartfelt track, "Song For The Broken", at your favorite digital retailer. Get your first taste of their commanding new release, We Will Overcome, now.
All three tracks are taken from upcoming releases that will be in stores everywhere on February 16th.
Tech N9ne K.O.D. North By NorthWest Tour
Posted by ToxicDoom | Monday, February 01, 2010 | Announcements, K.O.D, North By NorthWest, Tech N9ne, tour, Tour DatesTech N9ne is going back on tour with Krizz Kaliko, Kutt Calhoun and Big Scoob for the 2010 North By Northwest Tour to promote K.O.D
He hits a TON of Cities, and does not forget about Canada!
Im hoping to be a part of the March 19th show in Lethbridge and, seriously ya can NOT go wrong with the prices.
They are offering a $99 VIP Package which includes CDs of Tech N9ne, Big Scoob and Krizz. As well as a MEET AND GREET for an hour!
A $250 value all for $99!
Now instead of details here and, me probably missing something all ya have to do is Click on the Pic above to go directly to the info page. Here, you will find all the dates, and buy packages through there with PayPal!
Or, you can Click here for all the info!
Its hard to believe that in 2 weeks, Canada becomes Centre stage, and Vancouver hosts the Winter games! So, 2 weeks and, for 2 weeks Vancouver will the centre of the world, and host the world!
So, needless to say there are a TON of events that are being held in those 2 weeks. And, are split between BC Place and Whistler Medals Plaza.
So, i have broken this down or tried to anyways between the 2 places. So, this is how ill do it. Ill break down the performances from BC Place first, and then well go into the events being held at Whistler. So, lets get into BC Place first, shall we?
BC Place Events:
- Sunday, February 14: Nelly Furtado: British Columbia Night Live medal presentations in short track speed skating (mens 1,500 m), ladies freestyle skiing moguls and speed skating (mens 5,000 m and ladies 3,000 m).
- Monday, February 15: To Be Confirmed: Quebec Night Live medal presentations in mens freestyle skiing moguls.
- Tuesday, February 16: Barenaked Ladies: Nova Scotia Night Live medal presentations in mens and ladies snowboard cross, as well as mens 500-metre speed skating.
- Wednesday, February 17: Paul Brandt: Alberta Night Live medal presentations in ladies 500-metre speed skating.
- Thursday, February 18: Hedley: Prince Edward Island Night Live medal presentations in short track speed skating (ladies 500 m), mens snowboard halfpipe, as well as mens and ladies 1,000-metre speed skating.
- Friday, February 19: Theory Of A Deadman: Northwest Territories Night Live medal presentations in ladies snowboard halfpipe.
- Saturday, February 20: Stereophonics: Yukon Night No medal presentations.
- Sunday, February 21: Trooper & Loverboy: Nunavut Night Live medal presentations in short track speed skating (ladies 1,500 m and mens 1,000 m), mens 1,500-metre speed skating and mens freestyle skiing ski cross.
- Tuesday, February 23: Billy Talent: Saskatchewan Night Live medal presentations in ladies freestyle skiing ski cross and mens 10,000-metre speed skating.
- Wednesday, February 24: INXS: Ontario Night Live medal presentations in ladies 5,000-metre speed skating.
- Thursday, February 25: Burton Cummings: Manitoba Night Live medal presentations in short track speed skating (ladies 3,000 m relay) and ladies freestyle skiing aerials.
- Friday, February 26: Great Big Sea: Newfoundland and Labrador Night Live medal presentations in mens freestyle skiing aerials and ladies snowboarding parallel giant slalom.
Now, if that wasn't long enough for ya - there's still Whistler to cover LOL!
Whistler Medals Plaza Events:
- Saturday, February 13: All American Rejects Live medal presentations in mens downhill skiing, ski jumping (individual normal hill) and womens biathlon (7.5-kilometre sprint).
- Sunday, February 14: Estelle Live medal presentations in ladies alpine skiing (super combined), as well as mens Nordic combined (individual normal hill) and biathlon (10-km sprint).
- Monday, February 15: Pierre Lapointe Live medal presentations in mens luge and cross-country skiing (ladies 10-km free and mens 15-km free).
- Tuesday, February 16: Feist Live medal presentations in mens alpine skiing (super combined), womens luge and biathlon (womens 10-km pursuit and mens 12.5-km pursuit).
- Wednesday, February 17: Our Lady Peace Live medal presentations in alpine skiing (ladies downhill) and cross-country skiing (mens and ladies individual sprint classic).
- Thursday, February 18: Deadmau5 Live medal presentations in mens luge doubles and biathlon (womens 15-km individual and mens 20-km individual).
- Friday, February 19: Hedley Live medal presentations in mens alpine skiing (super-G) and ladies cross-country skiing (pursuit, 7.5 km classic and 7.5 km free).
- Saturday, February 20: Stars Live medal presentations in mens and womens skeleton, ladies alpine skiing (super-G) and mens ski jumping (individual large hill).
- Sunday, February 21: OneRepublic Live medal presentations in mens cross-country skiing (pursuit, 15 km classic and 15 km free) alpine skiing (giant slalom) and two-man bobsleigh, as well as biathlon (mens 15-km mass and womens 12.5-km mass).
- Monday, February 22: To be confirmed Live medal presentations in cross-country skiing (mens and ladies team sprint free) and mens ski jumping (team large hill).
- Tuesday, February 23: The Fray Live medal presentations in Nordic combined (mens team relay) and womens biathlon (4x6-km relay).
- Wednesday, February 24: Jet Live medal presentations in ladies alpine skiing (giant slalom) and mens cross-country skiing (4x10-km relay classic/free).
- Thursday, February 25: The Roots Live medal presentations in womens bobsleigh, Nordic combined (mens individual large hill) and ladies cross-country skiing (4x5-km relay classic/free).
- Friday, February 26: KNaan Live medal presentations in ladies alpine skiing (slalom) and mens biathlon (4x7.5-km relay).
- Saturday, February 27: Usher Live medal presentations in mens alpine skiing (slalom) and four-man bobsleigh, as well as ladies cross-country skiing (30-km mass start classic).
If this wasn't enough for you, or you want to download a PDF File, you can actually get the PDF File from the official website by Clicking Here
I have also been told that one of the "To Be Confirmed" Guests are Swollen Members. Where that's at, i'm not sure! But, will keep ya posted!