I'm not dead yet

Posted by ToxicDoom | Tuesday, February 03, 2009 |

February already - man, that's hard to believe! i almost can't believe it that we're now 2 months into the year. I know it's been a little over 2 weeks since my last post...and, that as of lately, my posts seem to be few and far behind! That's not how i want it...but, things have been hectic here to say the least. However, my attention is back - and, hope to have it fully restored to the podcast for the next few months.

First off - i know i promised a review on Elise Estrada's CD - and, that WILL be posted tonight! No more promises on that front. Also, a few new releases from KillBeat Music arrived the other day, and i promise to have a write-up on a few of those as well. That's also coming tonight. The next thing on my list of things to do is to do a new episode of the podcast. I hope to have this done on Wednesday, possibly Thursday.

The last thing that i have to do is get around to the bands and solo artists who have been adding me on MySpace...what seems to be non-stop. I promise to get to each and every one of you in time, and hope to have all of you contacted about Airplay by the end of the week...maybe extending into Saturday.

That being said - there will also be a new episode up on Saturday night as well. Both shows will feature music recently added in the last post. God...i just realized that i still have to do an episode showcasing Crystal Sunshine's newer CD as well - i promised her that before the new year, and it seems like shit seems to get in the way. I'm good for that! oO

To fill ya guys in on what's been going down the past few weeks, and why i haven't really been around. Before the adds to the podcast, i was dealing with shit from my dad. Just about his drinking and all that crap. Seems to have come forefront again today....but, we'll see. Then, last week was my friend Tara's friends' last couple of days here. So, on Friday, we went out to the Corona and "Lived it up". Paid for it on Saturday though! And, the funny thing is, that i know all about what went down that night....but....i so don't remember walking home with any of them back to her place lol. That was the only blank in the night.

And, to top things off - i've been going to a lot of movies....and, watching a lot of them at home too. Mostly older ones when i stay home...but, the past couple of movie's that i've gone too have been really good! Well, sorta. I was able to see "Taken" a couple of weeks ago...and, will now have the opourtunity to go see "Slumdog Millionaire" sometime before it goes out of theatres. Those are just the ones that get the mention! Most of the old movies though have been action flicks - or, those chick flicks. Yeaaaa.

That's been my last couple of weeks though. It's been good! But, i am back, and all ready to go again. So, other than the reviews i promised...and, the write-up's of a few CDs, as well as all the stuff mentioned before i rambled on...will be up and ready to go before the weekend. As well...there will be a review of the "underground before nominated" film, Slumdog Millionaire posted after i go see it!

Guess ya can say "Not just Canadian stuff" anymore oO

Now playing: Breaking Benjamin - You
via FoxyTunes